Preparing for bike rides
It’s a good idea to check your bike for roadworthiness before each ride, allowing enough time to address issues. Particular attention should be given to:
tyres | remove embedded fragments such as stone or glass, and replace tyres if you notice a significant cut (when the inner tube bulges through, you’re on borrowed time!)
cables | replace cables that look frayed and at risk of snapping
wheels | if a wheel is out of true (wobbly) and rubs on the brake pads, adjust the brake pads accordingly; but if the required adjustment means loss of brake power, that poses a safety risk so you should get the wheel trued
chains | any slippage should be addressed, as sudden unexpected loss of drive can be dangerous
Don’t worry if any of the above sounds beyond your current mechanical ability, feel free to get in touch and we’ll gladly offer advice. And our members would be more than happy to check your bike during a ride.
It’s expected that all riders will carry a bank card or cash, sufficient food and water (we stop at cafés on Sundays but that shouldn’t be relied on for provisions, as they might be unexpectedly closed), a mobile phone, spare inner tube(s), tyre lever(s) and a pump. Multi-tools, patch kits, chain link removal tools and spoke keys are recommended for longer rides or tours in remote areas, but most club cyclists don’t carry them all on shorter rides in areas where you would expect to find bike shops or train stations.
Club runs are a social occasion. The aim is to have fun, to stay safe and enjoy getting out on our bikes.
We care deeply about our impact on the environment and society. We promote safe, responsible riding, and respect toward everything that shares our space, be it flora, fauna or other road users.
Group riding
If you’re new to the club, then welcome! Please introduce yourself to the ride leader(s) you’ll make sure you’re very well looked after.
Riding in a group can be intimidating at first, but is great fun and more efficient, therefore easier! Good guidance on riding as part of a group can be found in the videos below:
GCN | How To Ride In A Group | Ridesmart
GCN | How To Ride In A Group - Group Riding Etiquette
All our group rides are led by ride leaders; experienced riders who use their experience to ensure group cohesion, harmony, safety and direction. If they ask you to adjust your speed or road position in order to make the ride safer or more enjoyable for everyone involved, please be understanding.
Ride leaders make efforts to keep the groups together at all times. When exiting junctions, climbing or descending hills it’s common for small gaps to appear; in such instances the group should assess the situation, and where necessary slow or stop to allow everyone to return to the fold.
If someone punctures or has a mechanical, the group is expected to stop and offer support.
Try to keep in mind that we all play a part in the collective enjoyment and safety of the ride.
Enjoy your ride!